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Chen, K W, Teitelbaum, E, Meggers, F, Pantelic, J and Rysanek, A (2021) Exploring membrane-assisted radiant cooling for designing comfortable naturally ventilated spaces in the tropics. Building Research & Information, 49(05), 483–95.

Dawodu, A, Cheshmehzangi, A and Sharifi, A (2021) A multi-dimensional energy-based analysis of neighbourhood sustainability assessment tools: are institutional indicators really missing?. Building Research & Information, 49(05), 574–92.

Hu, M and Milner, D (2021) Factors influencing existing medium-sized commercial building energy retrofits to achieve the net zero energy goal in the United States. Building Research & Information, 49(05), 525–42.

Lee, J and Ham, Y (2021) Physiological sensing-driven personal thermal comfort modelling in consideration of human activity variations. Building Research & Information, 49(05), 512–24.

Mikulić, D, Lovrinčević, & and Keček, D (2021) Valorization of economic effects from the programme of energy renovation of public buildings in Croatia. Building Research & Information, 49(05), 561–73.

Ramos, G, Lamberts, R, Abrahão, K C F J, Bandeira, F B, Barbosa Teixeira, C F, Brito de Lima, M, Broday, E E, Castro, A P A S, de Queiroz Leal, L, De Vecchi, R, De Zorzi, L D M, Dornelles, K A, Duarte, S, Faisca, R G, Fontenelle, M, Freitas, T, Grego (2021) Adaptive behaviour and air conditioning use in Brazilian residential buildings. Building Research & Information, 49(05), 496–511.

Yeganeh, A, McCoy, A P, Reichard, G, Schenk, T and Hankey, S (2021) Green building and policy innovation in the US Low-Income Housing Tax Credit programme. Building Research & Information, 49(05), 543–60.